A big "Thank You" to all the bands and artists who have recorded with us over the years We're working on assembling a complete list below along with a sampling of album covers. If you've recorded with us but don't find your name, please send us an email!
A Lee Aaron Bryan Adams Affliction Airwaves Aimless James Alibi Alice In Chains Allan Hammer Scott Albright Jason Alcott David Allen Almost Never Tommy Alto Anodyne Another White Male Bill Anschell Antiquus Apartment 14 Jann Arden Carolyn Arends Art World Asheida Skylar Astin Austin Automatic B Bachman Turner Overdrive Bad Apple Bad Flowers Bailamos! Amrit Baines Long John Baldry Baldy Doug Balfour Bang Diane Bardwell Basic Bates Motel Beat St. Junkees Behind Sapphire Mike Bell The Belle Game Belter Art Bergman Mark Berube Betty Arms Doreen Bender Barney Bentall Cal Batchelor Michelle Bardack Begwan Bellybutton Window Big Ass Hammer Big Game Big Mean Sun Big Orange Bridge Big Radio Big River Bilal Jesse Birch Birch Riley Bishop David Bitner Miles Black Blackfin Tyler Blair Bliss Bloodclot Bloodgood Blue Action Formula Blue Rodeo Blue Shadows Bluebeard Bluesberries Josh Bogert Boxcutter Bob's Your Uncle Wendy Bollard Michael Bolton Deborah Bonham Bootleg Both Legs Broken Bottom Line Bottom Feeder Boy On A Dolphin Brave New World Breath Underwater Terry Brennan Brickhouse Brilliant Orange Alex Browne Bruno Gerrusi's Medallion Michael Buble Kristin Bunyan Danny Burns Darryl Burgess & the Rythm Snakes Bush League The Buskers Joani Bye Jim Byrnes C Kirk Caouette Dexter Carlson Matt Carlton Carmen & Camille The Cartells Jordan Carrier Cathode Ray Goby Catt Catelin Cause For Concern Cavernous Groove Tony Chamberlist Chapter Three Pat Chessell Cherrypicker Chickibooms Cinders Cirkus Mind Clambake Class Action Lance Clinker Clockwise Clumsy Lovers Tom Cochrane Commitments Bill Conall Cohiba Natalie Cole Colville Melody Comatoast Patricia Conroy Conspiracy Chris Cornell Cove Cowboy Junkies Cozy Bones Cradle To Grave Crash Vegas Crawling Sun Creatures Of Comfort Critical Element Crooked Jane Allison Crowe Crucial Faith Crush Groove Andy Curran Burton Cummings D Damn The Diva Darker Shade Of Red Dee Daniels Defiant Nature Heidi Davis DDT Decade Decew Falls Defiant Nature Asvaldo Del Mar Delerium Michael DeRosier Devia Devil's Right Hand Devil's Tower Diesel Candy Dinosaur Jr Dissonics Doctor Robert The Dots Dogzilla Double Deuce Double Pence Gloria Doubleday Doug and the Slugs Downweller Gord Downie Drama Queen Dreams Of Treason Kevin Dunning Perry Duquette Durango's Daughter E Eastmont Funk Echophone Birgit Eder Edge Of Chaos Edmo Nathan Elawa Electric Shades Of Blue Elicium Ellen Says No Rik Emmett Empyreal Entropia Epic Episode Epsilon Knot Erasmus Brian Evans Mark Evans Evereal Evil Roy Slade Evocation Exit This Side F F.O.'s Michael Fabro Facebasket Karen Fader Fall With Them Paul Fast Fake It Big Time Maria Cristina Fantini Fat Albert Faze One Stephen Fearing Fearless Heroes Feedbag Feeling Strange Ferron 15 Avenue Lounge 5440 Paul Filek Final Cut Paul Fisher Roger Fisher Five Alarm Funk Gary Fjellgard The Flu Roy Forbes Forget Your Face David Foster Susan Foster Lorraine Foster 4-Lane Change Frayed Knots Freeloader Freestyle Freewater Flipswitch Flux Tommy Floyd Fool's Parade Forty Foot Fakeout Frog Hollow Frontline Fuel Furious George G Kenny G Galapagos Oliver Gannon Gasm Gary Hornbeck Trio General Mayhem Genius Chris Gilburg Gladyss Patches Glasshead Nancy Goertzen Matthew Good Gonch Messiah Grapes Of Wrath Groove Yard Groundskeepers Gay Dalorme David Go Go Golers Goliath Gracie Graffiti Grapes of Wrath Marla Guloien H Denise Hagen Paul Hampton Ted Hamlin Kate Hammett-Vaughan Jeffrey Hatcher and the Big Beat Happy Man Hard Rock Miners Harmony Trowbridge Neil Harnett Cory Hart Harvey Switched Havilah Jeff Healey Here Heavy Jack Helms Deep Bill Henderson Saffron Henderson Herbal Siezure Hi Test High Magick High Tide Highway Freak Ticket Kristy Hill Hip Hop Mechanics The Hitmen Hissy Fit Hokus Pick Manuever CC Honeycutt Gregory Hoskins Hot Mamas Hustle City Paul Hyde I Idle Eyes Illusion of Depth Impact Incognito Indeed Ron Irving Irish Rovers Isle 7 Chuck Israel Ivy. The Pulse J Jabber Jade Paul Janz Jar Jerrimander Jesuit Refugee Jimi's Head Band Molly Johnson Joykamp Junkhouse Junkyard Junior Gone Wild Just Insane K Katherine Wheel Keirah Scott Keller Ashley Kemeny Kick Axe Joseph Kidd Kid Hevy Killzone King Friday King Singleman Carl Korytko K-OS Bruce Kirk Russ Klyne Lord Knapp Rick Knotts Kolita & Trax Carl Korytko Mike Kosterman L Deborah Ledon Lesli Split Trio Colin Lane Last Call Lava Hay Alex Lee Howard Leese Lemon Grass Lisa Lester Limelight Kim Linekin Diane Lines Little Brother Big Little T Kenny Loggins Local Farmer London Choirboys Lowest Of The Low Loverboy Loving Dead Luba Lure Pamela Lynn Sara Lynn M M-Strain Rita Macneil Major Good Vibe Majority Rules Brian Marchant Marika Married To Music Marshall Creek Matrix Memory Day Michael Martin Edwin Martinez Maurice Dave Martone Joe Mavety Max-A-Million Lydia McCauly Peter McCormack Heidi McCurdy Doug McGrew Loreena McKennit Sarah McLachlan Jennifer McLaren Micheal Marton Ashley McIsaac Maxi-Dad Mayhem Aquarium Me & Mae Melt Midge Means To An End The Medalion Sue Medley Melchiks Mellow Green Joe Melonari Melting Nuemans Memory Day Men Without Pants Mezzanine Chris Michael Middlesex Midnight Hours Darby Mills Jason Mitchell Mind The Gap Mistral Storm Misunderstood Kim Mitchell Mae Moore Mob Psychology Mojo Zydeco Morally Sound Mosaic Haley Morgan Phil Moriarity Moskow Fish Mosaic Mother Made This Mouthpiece Mike Mulder Mr. Big Mud Funk Trevor Murray My Own Chaos Myring Brothers Mystery Point N Bif Naked The Naughty Blokes Next Nickel City Slim Nickelback A Night In Georgia Night Watchmen 911 Nitevigil Noah's Rainbow No Clue No I.D. N.O.S. Rane Nogales Noise Therapy Noo Las Jam Northern Pikes Northern Rain O Ocean Full Of Fins The Odds Of Artistry Oh Yeah Oliver Twisted One Stone Opium Wall Mark Osachoff P Pajamas Papilomas Pauper's Feast Peace Love Dog Pearl Jam The People Penguins Blake Penner Jim Pelton Penelope Above Perfect Ground Perfect Hour Perry Dickison Persuaders Peruse Peter McPhearsons Quinn Pickering Pillbox Pillcocks Pinecone Fight Polar Seed Randy Ponzio Pop Defect Poor Boys Theater Potters Field Priest The Tribute Eddie Preston Primal Scream Prophecy Protoculture Psychedelicatesen Pure Q Quantum Jukebox Quartered Quintessential Quinton David R R&B Allstars The Rascals Raw Real Life Hero Realliam Payton Rector Removal Ressurection Mary Retrofire Revolution Gone Rheostatics Rise Up Russ Robson Bob Rock Rock Party Paul Rodgers Michelle Roget Roots Roundup Rose Chronicle Royal Farm The Running Ryhmes With Orange S Salvador Rivas Sail With Kings Salvador Dream Beverly Sallis Sam Samsara John Lee Sanders Santa Lucia Scarecrow Neil Schon Sandy Scofield Jacob Sayer Scooter Trash Scream Scrubbengretchen Search For Utopia Lorraine Segato Semuta Seratonin Seven Days Seventh Heaven Seventh Sun Sex Bomb Boogie Sex With Nixon Shademakers Shades Of Soul She Stole My Beer Kenny Shields Shiftkit Shirley You Jest Michelle Shocked Shuvelhead Shy Thunder Side 69 Ben Sigston Robyn Sinclare Skywalk Ray Slater Slick Sixty Slogan Slot 9 Slyce Matt Smiley Smoked Out Brainzz Lori-Ann Speed Speedbump Spiderbait Beverly Staunton Shy Thunder Chris Simmons Skaboom Swaggerjack Skydiggers Skywalk The Sojourners Sol 3 Stabillo Boss Layne Staley State Of Mind Eden Stewart Stingrays Stoaters Stones Throw Straight Pipe Straight Jacket Stuff Snypa Soundgarden Sound Lounge South Of Main Spiderbait Spirit Merchants Spirit Of The West Spirits And Trains Split Level Glenn Stace Craig Stevens The Stoaters Cathy St Germain Stones Throw Streetheart Strong Like Tractor Subculture Submission Sum 41 Superhalo Superjaded Von Sumner Sun Like Star Shirley U Jest Swank David Swartos Swim T Ice T Tamara Sarah Tatto Tempest Of Achron Templar Ten Dollar Thompson Tenacity Thirsty Steven Thorne Kristine Theurer 30 Degrees West 37 Thieves 13 Engines 351 Cleveland Patsy Thompson Threat From Outer Space Throne Broken Thrush Hermit Thunderstruck Tillers Folly Tip R Gore Tonye Aganaba & The Foundation Tough Times Trooper Trapshadow The Pat Travers Band Trooper Tumbleweed Tim Tucker Token Rhyme Tunbridge Turf City Turn To Fall Brad Turner Tut Type 2 Two Hole Punch U Ugly Truth Shari Ulrich Ultimate Power Band Ultraviolet Undersound Underwater V Phil Vanderveen The Valuables The Vans Eddie Vedder Veronica Sawyer Vertico Vespin The Vidos Voyager Vuggy W Kevin Wainwright Al Walker Dan Wardrope Waterwing The Way Wayside The Watchmen Waterwing Daniel Wesley Westo Westwolf Wig Scott Witte Wildfire Peter Williams Window Pain Collette Wise Amy Wolsey Wonika Shirley Wood Brent Woodley Mark Woodside Wretched Ethyl Michelle Wright Hambone Wilson Y Yuca Z Alphie Zappacosta Ziggy's Meadow Zipper Fish Yana Zlot |